Belvedere Meridionale 2018. XXX. évf. 04.


Editor of the Thematic issue: Pászka, Imre

Belvedere 2018. 4. szám 


Losoncz, Alpár: Karl Polanyi in the context of “non-death” of neoliberalism
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.1

Veres, Valér (2018): Identity and social determinants of perceiving ethnic discrimination of Hungarians from Romania
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.2

Houtkamp, Christopher – Marácz, László: Are traditional minority languages a bench marking for the rights of migrant languages in the European Union?
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.3

Nagy, Terézia: At the Southeastern End of Schengen. Accepting Refugees in Hungary in 2015’s refugees’ wave
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.4

Rácz, Attila: The effects of Hungarian Defence Forces (HDF) border security deployment on the civilian population’s subjective sense of security.
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.5

Pászka, Imre Ágoston: Maritime Piracy as International Crime in the 21st Century
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.6

Balogh, Péter: Cooperation in conflict – Investigating the patterns and outcomes of coalitions in the field of organized violence
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.7

Boros, Lajos (2018): Growth coalitions and the control of public space
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.8

Dobák, Judit: The Mental Map of a Rural (workers’) Housing Estate in Hungary – An Urban Anthropology Research
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.9

Laki, Ildikó: Agglomeration Issues in respect of Budapest
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.10

Vincze, Anikó: Exploring the Effect of Different Modes of ICT Use on School Performance Including Social Background
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.11

Kósa, István – Zsigmond, Csilla Dalma – Ambrus, Zoltán – Bálint, Blanka – Ionescu, Manuela Manon (2018): The Impact of Brand, Sex, Moment and Distance of Estimation on the Speed Perception of Vehicles
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.12

Szécsi, Gábor – Mák Kornél: Publicity, Communication and Community in the Information Age
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.13

Balog, Iván: Escape to Football
Péter, László: A labdarúgás szociológiája.
Péter, László: Forbidden Football in Ceauşescu’s Romania
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.14

Balogh, Péter (2018): Patterns of integration – a new model of social stratification
KOVÁCH IMRE: Társadalmi integráció. Az egyenlőtlenségek, az együttműködés, az újraelosztás és a hatalom szerkezete a magyar társadalomban
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.15

Rácz, Attila (2018): Demographic picture of Hungarians in Transylvania. Review.
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.16

Kósa, Maja: The Value Structure of Students of Teacher Education
DOI 10.14232/belv.2018.4.17