A tematikus lapszám szerkesztője: Pászka Imre
Editor of the thematic issue: Pászka, Imre
Tanulmányok ¦ Studies
1. Szelenyi, Ivan: Pathways from and Crises after Communism. Part 2. The Case of Former USSR and China. DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.1
2. Kiss Dénes: Desecularisation in postcommunist Romania DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.2
3. Laki Ildikó: Communist built industrial towns, the history of newly built towns and cities. Distinctive historical development paths of Hungarian ‘socialist’ and WesternEuropean industrial towns in the second half of the twentieth century DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.3
4. Telegdy Balázs: The 1921 agrarian reform in Transylvania and its reflection in the considerations of the members of the Bucharest School of Sociology DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.4
5. Nagy, Gábor Dániel: Social Network Based Approaches in Religion Research in Central-Eastern Europe DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.5
6. Nagy, Terézia: Homeless People’s Transition from the Hidden World of Socialism to the Quasi-Welfare Social Safety New World of Contemporary Hungary. Evidence From Szeged DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.6
7. Balogh, Péter: Development trap? Unequal Territorial Patterns of EU-funds Allocation in Hungary DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.7
8. Rácz, Attila: Segregation in Minds. Analysis on the Statistical and Mental-based Socio-spatial Segregation in a Hungarian City DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.8
9. Vincze Anikó: Digital Gaps in School? Exploring the Digital Native Debate DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.9
Közlemények ¦ Publications
10. Tóth, Benedek: The Term ‘Sense’ in Niklas Luhmann’s Theory DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.10
Szemtanú / Eyewitness
11. Lencsés, Gyula: A Hungarian Village in the English Regional Survey Movement. Dorothea Farquharson’s Field Diary in Dudar, 1937 DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.11
Téka ¦ Reviews
12. Zalán Haág: Europe in German. Review of “Das deutsche Europa” by Ulrich Beck’s DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.12
Háztáji / Home-grown
13. Jancsák Csaba: Ulrich Beck (1944–2015) DOI 10.14232/belv.2015.1.13