Instructions to authors

Please read and follow our instructions below while preparing your manuscript.

Completed papers should be submitted to the journal’s email address.

Contributions to the journal are accepted in Word format. If the text contains special characters, symbols or letters, authors should indicate it to the editor in advance.

Figures and illustration should be supplied as separate files (.jpg), scanned at 300 dpi resolution, with caption and indication of their origin. Since the journal is published in black and white, authors should opt for greyscale and graphic signs instead of coloured marks in graphs and diagrams.

If italics are used, proper nouns should be italicized without the affix (Kossuth Lajosról, Szilágyi Mihállyal), while pronouns with the affix.

As a supplement to the paper, authors should prepare an abstract and 3 or 5 keywords in English as well. In addition to the name of the contributor, his/her academic post and degree, workplace and email address should be communicated to the editor.

For example: Kiss, Gábor Ferenc PhD, historian, assistan-lecturer (SZTE JGYPK)

As far as references are concerned, our journal prefers two methods (1. footnotes and 2. in-text references)

1. Footnotes

The number of the footnote should be written in superscript right after the word it refers to1 or it should directly follow the clause,2 or the punctuation mark at the end of the senctence.3 However, the number should precede (brackets4) – and dashes5 – as well.

In case of references to academic literature, the name of the author and the date of publication should be used in the footnote, but conventional abbreviations deriving from the title are also acceptable.

1 Köpeczi 1988.


GCF as the abbreviation for Grandes chroniques de France.

1 GCF.

In case of two or three authors:

1 Fekete – Fehér 1998.


1 Fekete – Fehér – Barna 1998.

In case of more than three authors: 1 Fekete 1998.

Word-for-word citations should be surrounded by quotation marks and the footnote should specify the page number

1 Fehér 1998. 32.

Or page numbers:

1 Fehér 1998. 32–36.

If two or more works of the same author with the same publication year are mentioned in the footnotes, the works should be differentiated by using letters after the date.

1 Nagy 1988a.

If several works of the same author are mentioned, the name of the author should be given only once, and then the years of the publication should follow which have to be divided by commas.

1 Bloom 1955, 1956a. 32., 1956b. 32–36.

In a footnote the works of different authors should be separated by semicolon (;)

1 Fekete 1988; Fehér 1989. 32.; Szürke – Barna 1990. 32–36.

2. In-text references

In this case, footnotes contain remarks or supplementary notes. Footnotes should not exceed the length of 5-10 typed lines. In course of preparing the manuscript, authors should attempt to minimize the length and number of footnotes and impart most of the information through the main text. Thus, footnotes should consist of only those pieces of information that would break the continuity of the main text. References to academic literature should be included in the main text and denote the name of the author and the date of publication. The name(s) of the author(s) can be mentioned as a part of the sentence: … as the results of White (1998) show…; or in brackets: …as the results of an earlier research (White 1998) show…

In case of two or three authors: (Fekete – Fehér 1998) or (Fekete – Fehér – Barna 1998). In case of more than three authors: (Fekete 1998).

Word-for-word citations should be surrounded by quotation marks and the footnote should specify the page number (Fehér 1998. 32.) or page numbers (Fehér 1998. 32–36.).

If two or more works of the same author with the same publication year are mentioned in the in-text reference, the works should be differentiated by using letters after the date (Nagy 1988a).

If several works of the same author are mentioned, the name of the author should be given only once, then the years of the publication should follow which have to be divided by commas (Bloom 1955, 1956a. 32., 1956b. 32–36.).

Within the brackets of the in-text reference, the works of more authors should be divided by semicolon (;) (Fekete 1988; Fehér 1989. 32.; Szürke – Barna 1990. 32–36.).

Formal requirements of bibliographic items

Books with one author

Author (Date of publication): Title. Subtitle. Place of publication, Publisher.


Lázár, Katalin (1997): Népi játékok. Budapest, Planétás Kiadó.

Books with more than one author

Author – Author (Date of publication): Title. Subtitle. Place of publication, Publisher.

Németh, András – Boreczky, Ágnes (1997): Nevelés, gyermek, iskola. A gyermekkor változó színterei. Budapest, 1997, Eötvös József Könyvkiadó.

Articles from journals:

Author (Date of publication): Title. Subtitle. Title of the journal. Volume. Number of the issue. Page–page.

Juhász, Ágnes (2009): A raguzai mindennapok egy kézműves szakma tükrében: cipőkészítők a XIII. század végén–XIV. század elején. Belvedere Meridionale 20. évf. 1–2. sz. 64–72.

Book chapters, essays from edited volumes:

Author (Date of publication): Title. Subtitle. In Editor of the volume: Title of the volume. Place of publication, Publisher. Page–page.

Köpeczi Béla (1988): Kitekintés: Erdély útja 1918 után. In Köpeczi Béla (szerk.): Erdély története. III. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó. 1733–1778.

Online references: Author (Date of publication): Title. Subtitle. Website. Date of downlode.

Lippai Péter (2004): A küldetésorientált vezetés történelmi tapasztalatai. Hadtudomány 2004. 2. sz. Download: 2009.

Bibliographic items should be listed in alphabetic order according to the name(s) of the author(s) or editor(s). If several works of the same author are listed, the chronology of their publication should determine their sequence. The place of publication should not be abbreviated.

In dialogues, the utterances (e.g. question – answer) of different participants should be typed in separate lines which should begin with a dash. The name of the participants in the conversation should be boldfaced and abbreviated after the first mention: Belvedere Meridionale, hereafter B.M. or Zoltán Bíró, hereafter Z. B.