Miklós Halmágyi (1980) historian.
Studies: philologist and teacher of Hungarian language and literature, historian and history teacher (Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged, 2005), Phd in history (Medieval History Programme, Doctoral School in History, Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged, 2013).
He has given courses at the University of Szeged between 2005 and 2017, with short interruptions. Actually, he works as an archivist in the Archives of County Békés, Account Archives of Békés.
Research interests: conversion to Christianity and early history of Christianity in Hungary, attitudes towards strangers and self-concept around the first millennium, symbols; sagas about origins; history of old age, childhood, crying and laughing in the Medieval Hungary; Saints in the Medieval Hungary; reception of the Bible, history of County Békés.